My Thoughts On This & That...

My Thoughts On This & That...
Our idea of the World is too small!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The sound of a combination of my screaming friends, students, and family is still ringing in the air in San Jose/Santa Cruz. The mountains surrounding Bethany University are still echoing with the yells, screams, air horns, whistling's, and yes, oh yes, the accordian!! How hilarious was that sound!!!
If you don't know what I am talking about, then please read on. I finally finished up all the remaining units for me to be graduated from college. It has been a longer road than expected, but its all done now!

I flew into San Jose and spent some time with my friends at BU (Bethany Univsersity), namely Dennis & Judy Patton, and their 2 cutie girls: Kenzie & Marissa (we have chemistry), Devan Cox, Larissa Leifer, Ryan Popineau, Jared Hurst, Stephanie Allen, Rusty, Dr. Anderson and of course, the Spot Boyz!!!

The next day was graduation day. It was hard to really put into words all of the emotion I was feeling. I was very proud of this day. I can honestly say that outide of all the days that go into being married and being a father, this was the most important day in my life.

My Mom and Dad made it, my Granny was there, my brother Phillip flew in for the occasion, Norma, the Assoc. Dean when I was first at Bethany (who helped me more than she knows) came in from Washington, my boy Kat flew in from Hawaii for it, my very good friend Mariano came, and I had about 30 students or so come up from Lancaster. The Keyes, the Neals, the Chu's, Pastor Troy, Bonnie, Cheryl, J-Miah, Dan & Alison, Mike & Tierney, and a bunch of my other rowdies showed UP!!

When I say showed up, I aint playin either. I have rarely heard a group that size ever be THAT loud. They put a stop to the graduation! They literally shut it down for like a minute! I got up to be next to be called out, to make that famous walk across the stage, looked at different ones in the front right section that they had come to DOMINATE, made one last important phone call, and then I heard something I'd wanted to hear for a while now: "Christopher Leigh Harrell"

With that, the sound of silence was silenced. It was SOOOO LOUD!!! I felt so loved. I felt so proud and full of accomplishment.

I got to the President and he said: "Wow, you have quite the cheering section," I said: "Yah, I know, I'm sorry they are so loud." He said: "I think its wonderful!" I walked away thinking: "It IS kind of my fault, right?" I loved it all.

Then, I saw the reason I was walking across that stage and I just started crying. As I walked up to Dr. Samuel Huddleston, the only thing I could think of was the words "Thank You." I couldn't come up with anything else. I hope I love people like he has loved me. It was his dream for me to finish my education. I said to him, "this one's for you, the next ones for me."

I can't tell you how special that day was. To all of you who have emailed and wanted to make it, thank you so much. Your love isn't overlooked by me. I value those who made the trip, because I know it was a hard trip to make! I don't take it lightly. I wanted to be a model to those who knew me that finishing what you start is important. It doesn't matter if its College, Masters Commission, Marriage, Senior Projects, etc., I just wanted to show that its NOT how you start, its how you finish that matters.

I still have all the smiles, the sounds, the hugs and all written in my mind. I have already got my self sitting just day dreaming about that day, remembering all the short conversations, my Family, the phone call, the Engage Family, driving away with Pastor Sam, and leaving that day in the memory books as I plan to leave for Africa with my was the exact ending to that chapter I would want, and the beginning of a new one for me. It being written right now, and I'm excited to see what the Author has in mind to write for me!!